Monday, January 23, 2017

week 76 Time

I had a lot of emails today and it just kind of is overwhelming so I won`t be writing a whole lot today. I`m still with Elder Hernandez (from Guate) here in the Kennedy, everything is going super well and I am healthy. Today for pday we played a ton of soccer and it was dope. I am really craving hard ice cream right now I don`t know why. I forgot to take pictures again, woops. But I promise that this week I will take pictures. I didn`t really have any crazy fun story to tell this week, so I`ll just send this email saying happy birthday Grandma Helen, Grandpa Bob, Tia Lelani, Alyssa, Josee, and whoever else, and by sharing a little thought. 

I always wanted to go on a mission, until the time really came for me to go. I was incredibly nervous and there were so many things I didn`t want to leave behind. I was afraid that I wouldn`t be able to coherently share the gospel, I was afraid that I wouldn`t be able to talk to strangers in the streets and knock on their doors, I was afraid that I would miss everything going on back at home for these two years, and I was incredibly afraid I wouldn`t last two years. Despite all my fears and worries, I went anyway because I knew it was the right thing to do. All of my worries instantly left in the moment that I enterred the MTC. I picked up the language quickly, I was able to express myself, and I felt happier than I ever had before. The months before my mission were hard, I was scared and worried, and I was closed. But I know that when we choose to follow the will of the Father and not of our own, we are blessed. It is incredibly important to always remember this. I know that if we look firstly to our Heavenly Father in our struggles, that He will guide us, and that He will always bless us.

I just completed 17 months last week, 1 more and I can burn my sister missionary skirt.


Elder Anderson :-)

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