Monday, February 8, 2016

week 26 Heeey maan... jou espeakeh english?

Elder Olivares is my new companion. He is from Chile and has about 17 months in the mission. He has a really bad stutter but is a really good guy and incredibly nice. Me cae bien. He has a few problems but so does everybody. He actually used to serve in Monjaras, which is the central town in our district/zone, where we hold our meetings, so he knows a lot of members... unfortunately he has a huge crush on one, and it just so happens to be the member that cooks for us, so he and I aren´t allowed to come, which is a bummer.

Guapinol has treated me poorly. The water in our pila (water for showers and cleaning clothes) was black, so we called someone in to replace a bunch of stuff in our pila, then Elder Olivares and I drained it and scrubbed the inside down. It was really time consuming, but our water gave me a really bad rash over my body so it was worth it. The fish however, is delicious.

I got really sick again the first couple days Elder Olivares came in. I had a temperature of 39C and so we couldn´t leave the house to go work. I went to bed early to get rest and woke up at 5 the next day, when I walked into the kitchen, Elder Olivares had cleaned the ENTIRE HOUSE. And it´s a big house too, one of the biggest in the mission. He had even taken out all the spider webs and spiders, of which there had been hundreds. I guess you could say I´m happy with my new comp.

Guapinol is a peninsula and basically one very long road, so Elder Olivares and I (since we are technically opening the area) have been contacting the whole town. We started at one end of the road, and are just going to sweep the town. More on that will follow in the next few weeks.

Also my mysterious weight loss is no longer a mystery. I have parasites.

This week for Pday we went to the Peña. You might remember that I went a couple months ago and we played rugby. We did the same thing again because this time came Elder Carter and Akubeze who also played Rugby, and we had a blast. Pics to follow.

The mission is the best thing to happen to my life. It´s tiring, but I don´t think I have ever been happier. 10/10 would recommend.


Elder Anderson

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