Monday, May 16, 2016

week 40 Manly in Danli

... if you didn`t read the title of this email just take a second to do it...
Let me first explain the set up of the mission. There`s the City of Teguc with a bunch of missionaries, then there`s the South that is the middle of nowhere with a bunch of missionaries too, and then there`s the east. It`s possible to go your whole mission without going to the east because there are only two small zones in the east. Zona Valle Verde which is supposedly the ugliest and most negative zone in the mission, and Zona Danli, which is part of El Paraiso, and it is the most coveted zone in the mission. You can probably see where I am going with this.
After spending a solid 8 month s in Southern Hot boiling Honduras, I have been transferred to El Paraiso, in the city of Danli. El Paraiso is Paradise, and it is true. It is cool, and rainy, and green. I am even in a WARD. A WARD. What?? I have a bishop, a mission leader, a baptismal font, everything. That`s not all... My house... I HAVE RUNNING WATER. It`s freezing. BUT I HAVE A SHOWER. I WAS MADE CLEAN FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE I LEFT MEXICO. My house has everything.
Best part? My companion. My companion is Elder Valladares from San Salvador, El Salvador. He was actually companions with Elder Avila, my old companion, in the MTC. He is super pilas, and we work really hard. We have 5ish or so days together but he is already one of my favorite companions. We work hard together, we study well together, teach well together, and we even cook together. Here in Danli we don`t have anyone to wash our clothes so I still clean with the pila on a scrub board, but I used that for my workout time. IT IS TIRING I PROMISE. I`m going to get ripped, just wait. (I still do exercise.)
Since Wednesday we have found 9 people that are pretty positive. We have 3 families with the last name Sosa, and a couple other people that are progressing. When I met Lela Sosa, we knocked on the door and her daughter came out, who is like 10, so we asked, if her mom was home or an adult, and immediately her mom rushed out with a gun thinking we were trying to rob the place. Elder Valladares raises his hands and says, ``Calm! Not many thieves walk around with a gringo and scriptures, no?`` and she laughed and told us what she thought was happening and invited us in.
Our area is huge, it used to be a ward with 6 missionaries, but this last change they closed the area of the sister missionaries and now there are just us two. It`s huge but I like it that way. Lots of walking, and lots of houses to contact.
Today we played soccer, but it wasn`t that fun because one Elder invited a bunch of members to play, so the field was full making it very similar to little league soccer with a million and a half people crowding the ball.
I`m super happy, but I feel bad that I still don`t have a camera to send you all pictures, Elder Olivares didn`t send me the pictures still... So waiting on those for the next week. Here are some pics from the camera of Elder Valladares. I was kidding next week I will send pics. The memory isn`t working. Love you all still.
Love you all have a great week!
Elder Anderson

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