Tuesday, May 24, 2016

week 41 Pokémon... err. Missionary Trainer

It's dangerous to walk out in tall grass alone, so the mission took out Elder Valladares and gave me my first starter... A brand new Elder Samayoa! (Pics not included due to lack of camera still. Also Elder Olivares is planching (mission slang for being lazy) and still hasn`t sent me pictures. Elder Valladares has a couple he needs to send me too, also we had 2 baptisms together, Elder Valladares and I.) Even though we only had two weeks together, we still kept me streak of baptizing with every companion, so that is gooooood stuff.
Elder Samayoa is from Guatemala, Coatepeque... I think that's how you spell it... He's a new convert of 2 years, is 20 years old, and before was studying graphic design! He is suuuuper green, but I really enjoy training. The reason for the emergency changes is because he arrived late to the mission. He arrived late because two years ago he bought a phone in the streets (cause cheap), but the person who bought his phone, stole his identity, did some illegal stuff, and got in trouble. So when my companion arrived at the airport to leave Guatemala, they stopped him because he was red flagged, and kept him in Guatemala for a while until they could solve everything out. I am not joking, but I think it is one of the funniest stories I have heard in the mission.
So just a few days ago I had to travel up to Tegucigalpa to bring my companion back to Danli. My area is HUGE. AND IT HAS PIZZA HUT. I don't know if I already told you guys that... But I bought pizza with Elder Valladares to send him off. It was cool. We ran into a problem today though, because we ran out of water... So I had to bucket shower with a small reserve I saved (Smart thinking, Elder Anderson, thanks, fam!) BUT IT WAS FREEZING. Our water is somewhat cold, but this water I saved was just straight Mr. Freeze. Supposedly tomorrow the water comes. AND I SURE HOPE IT DOES.
This week I worked my trainee. We have 10 people with a baptismal date now. I know they aren't all going to get baptized... in fact I know less than half won't, but at least for now they are progressing and maybe someday in the future they will get baptized.
Our most positive investigators are a mom and daughter. Reina and Nicolle. We met them contacting back when I was with Elder Valladares, I knocked on their door and they let us in. We start chatting with them to get to know the family, and that way we could teach the lesson according to their needs. After less than 2 minutes of getting to know the family, Reina just interrupts and asks,
 ´´Are you going to teach us something or are you just going to ask us about our lives?´´ 
and I replied to her, ´´We just want to get to know you so that we can teach something that can help you in your lives,´´
to which Elder Valladares notes, ´´for example, if you had recently lost a loved one, and we came and talked about tithing, you would learn anything.´´
And immediately Reina starts bawling, because her mom, the grandma, had just died days before, and she wasn't able to be there with her...
So we taught the Plan of Salvation, and this week they attended church. Nicolle liked church so much that she invited her friends to a lesson last night! WHICH resulted with Nicolle, her mother, and one of her friends all having a baptismal date for the 11th of June.
Also the other half of the family that Elder Valladares and I baptized also has a baptismal date, but the problem is that they struggle with quitting coffee... LIKE EVERYONE IN DANLI. Here they grow a lot of Coffee and everyone drinks it, so coffee is one of our biggest challenges to overcome. It`s something so simple that nobody seems to be able to give up... 
Also, this Sunday in Church the Relief Society gave me a calendar for food, and everyone gave me references... I love wards.
So everything is great, I am healthy, and I love being a missionary. Training is super fun, and I am learning magic tricks with the other missionaries, (This zone is obsessed with magic tricks with playing cards.) I think it's kind of lame, but it's actually fun, (says the guy who loaded his email with Pokémon references.)
Love you all
Elder Anderson

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