Monday, July 4, 2016

Week 47 is it hard to be a gringo

This week was really kind of nuts. A lot of really messed up things are going on right now in the lives of my investigators, and they called me the other night and tried to get my help, but really there was nothing I could do... I can`t really tell you guys, but ask me after the mission and I`ll tell you. Long story short, my latest convert is in prison right now, and her stepdad disappeared.

This week only one family came to church. But this time the ward really wrapped their arms around this family. The bishops wife babied the mom the whole day, and I found friends for the kid, and it went perfectly, they LOVED the church. In the middle of the testimony meeting, somebody bore testimony that Thomas S Monson was a true prophet. The kid lights up, turns to me and yells, ´´YOU`RE A PROPHET??¨ I told him no, and that the prophet was Thomas S Monson, and then he asked me if the prophet was a gringo, I told him yes, and then he asked me the funniest question I have ever heard in my life, ´´is it hard to be a gringo?´´ Not only did I start to laugh, but everyone on the nearby benches began to too.

Today we played soccer, and I WAS FIRST PICK, I almost died, I`m never first pick, and gringos are never first pick. But today, I am the man. Unfortunately, I lost the other half of my toe. I don`t know if you all remember that I lost half of my toenail, but today I lost the other half in a really bloody mess with my sock. It hurts a lot. But thanks to the miracle of modern medicine, it now hurts slightly less.

Today I am going to cut my hair, and then go to a noche de hogar with my investigators and the good old obispo.

This is my house.
Love you guys

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